
Phil Liggett MBE
"I really like the Bike-Eye® rear view mirror. I don't think I would leave home without it now."
Says internationally renowned television commentator, print journalist and former President of the CTC, Phil Liggett MBE.
"I fitted Bike-Eye® to both my own and my wife Pat's bikes ... it means I can keep an eye on Pat when she is behind me. The only drawback is that she can see me when I am chasing her!"
Phil's wife Tricia is a regular and experienced cyclist, riding out with the ladies of the GS Lanterne Rose on a regular basis. Phil rides with the GS Lantern Rouge and with his original club, the Finsbury Park CC.
Bike-Eye Reviewed by
Road.cc - Cycling Website of the Year
Bike Eye is a visibility aid that now comes in a second version, making it a suitable option for all kinds of bikes. Read full review.
Rear View Visionary « Cyclorama Team Blog
Enter the Bike-Eye. I've been using one for a couple of weeks. I know it's a terrible cliche but I really don't know how I've done with-out this product for all these years. A bicycle rear view mirror which doesn't stick out and is therefore immune to being knocked. Read full review.
One Man And His Bike.co.uk
I came across a British invention that took a bit of convincing was a good idea, and after getting one I now wouldn't be without even after my arm can take the weight of me looking around or riding with only one arm supporting me. It's simple genius and makes my life riding much easier and safer, Bike-Eye! Read full review.
"RIDE ON" Australia's most widely read magazine for bike riders
Hot products reviewed, including a new bike mirror with a great new design that really works, given a 94% rating. Read full review.
"Fortunately, salvation comes in the form of Bike-Eye, which is an unobtrusive, slim-line mirror that provides the cyclist with just that little bit more of awareness of his or her position on the road in relation to other road users approaching from behind. Without compromising your image." Read full review
Mark Kleanthous
Mark's Comments on Bike-Eye®:
- I recently injured my neck - anyone with a similar problem will find, as I did, that Bike-Eye® reduces the problems that this can cause you when riding.
- Having used it in competition at World Championship level, I have found it an invaluable aid.
- It must be the most visually clear mirror on the market.
- For commuting, training or racing, it is a very helpful, lightweight addition to the bike.
- This is by far the best mirror I have used or seen.
- A great tool - not a gimmick - try it and see!
Mark was the first Briton to beat 24 hours for the "Double Ironman" - 4.8 mile swim, 224 miles on the bike, followed by a 52.4 mile run. He has competed in cycling time trials, topping 237 miles in a 12-hour, and having completed the National 100 mile Championship in 4 hours 17 minutes. He has completed 21 Ironman triathlons, and ridden from Lands End to John O Groats (831 miles) in five days. Check out more of Mark at his website: www.ironmate.co.uk
Team Synergy 2004 says:
"We have trialled the Bike-Eye® mirrors extensively on our training camps and other rides that we do. We found the device a good aid to road safety, especially with traffic coming up behind us when riding on quiet rural roads where there is often not a lot of room to spare, and useful for keeping tabs on who was on the wheel and who was being dropped in the small training or group ride environment. The fact that the mirror can be swapped from left to right on the bike easily & quickly is also very useful, if going from training in the UK to continental Europe." said Team Synergy team manager Graeme Freestone King."
What others have said about Bike-Eye®:
"I fitted a Bike-Eye to my hybrid today and I'm absolutely amazed and delighted by its performance. As a life-long 'serious' rider and ex racing cyclist I had always rejected the idea of adding a mirror to the handlebars of any of my bikes; well they looked so un-cool! The Bike-Eye however does not damage the image of a self confessed 'poseur' such as myself. It fits simply and perfectly, with its clever design and clean lines complimenting today's stylish machines. The sharp focus rear view that the Bike-Eye delivers is fantastic and, with no vibration, it boosts my confidence enormously when I'm riding in traffic. I'm now about to put one on my sleek road bike and am singing Bike-Eye's praises to the anti-mirror brigade." - Ron Keegan, Mid-Devon Cycling Club
"Got the Bike-Eye® yesterday fitted it in seconds. Went on a quick 20 miler after work today and I have to say it far exceeded my expectations. Is this a new product? it should be in every bike shop. Great product superb service, will recommend to every biker I see. I should see a few on the Norfolk 100 miler 8th June. All The Best, Andy"
"Hi, I just this moment returned from a 20 mile ride on which I had a chance to use the Bike-Eye®…I have three simple words to describe it…”simply the best”. I had tried other mirrors and gadgets but by far this one beats all the rest hands down..no questions. It is an awesome product and I will recommend it to the other members of my cycling club (Pearland Cycling Club, Texas) so you should receive some enquiries and orders. Also thanks for the second mirror. PS: Here is the website of our club- www.pearlandcyclingclub.org. Best Regards, Ralston - Pearland, Texas, USA."
"I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful product you have. I put it on today and went for a ride on my road bike, this mirror and set up are fantastic! I like how it’s not sticking out from my handle bars and I don’t have to wear something on my helmet. I was leery at first because I didn’t think there would be good visibility, but I put those worries to rest will recommend this to everyone I talk too. Thanks again. David "
"This is the second Bike-Eye® that I have bought and think they are marvellous. Thank you for the great service and you never know they may catch on here. Cheers, Andy. ( Vermont South, Australia. ) "
"Happy to say that I find the mirror extremely useful on my daily commute, where the alternative of looking over your shoulder whilst carrying a rucksack can interrupt your focus on the road ahead. Also used it on the fast descents in the Etape last year where the speed of descent is such that it is safer to use the mirror rather than turning round. Kind regards, John"
"I will order another mirror in a couple of weeks as I am about to change my address. I would just like to say I have used it in Greece, the US and now Germany as well as in the UK. It is nice to be able to move it to the appropriate side so easily, depending on the the side of the road one is using. It is mainly useful when someone is close behind, ie. more for when one is riding in a group. And also on straight roads (but I do not rely entirely on it). I tend to turn my head to check the traffic but at least I know how close traffic might be to my back wheel before doing so. When riding on a paceline, when you need to keep your place, I only check what is going on behind me by using the mirror - unless I can see no one in it. It has helped me know whether someone has been dropped or is being dropped, had a mechanical problem, etc. Nick "
"Thanks, received installed and tried out. Takes a little bit of getting used to but is a great aid to planning for turns rather than having to look over the shoulder multiple times. Still think I will be taking a last quick check over my shoulder but early days yet. Nice little bit of kit. Thank you. David "
"The Bike-Eye® arrived - excellent service and a welcome addition to improve my safety when cycling, many thanks. Richard "
"I do a lot of riding around lanes and some rat runs and find the Bike-Eye® invaluable. Usual situation is that cars come up from behind and insist on overtaking regardless of blind bends etc and then when a car "unexpectedly" appears ahead they cut me up in order to get past. With the Bike-Eye® it's possible to see a car approaching behind and warn them of any oncoming traffic around the bend. I regularly slow vehicles down and then call them thro when it is clear and generally after a hand acknowledgement they are grateful and the whole situation is one of co-operation not hostility. Obviously there are a very small minority that get quite put out that they have been told to slow down by a cyclist and give me the verbal but lets face it there's really no hope for these psychos!! Turning right - obviously a major benefit here but it's important to still give a little sideways glance. Hope above is useful, I certainly think it is a neat, unobtrusive, useful piece of kit. Regards, Martin "
"Just to confirm safe receipt of my Bike-Eye®. I've fixed it and, after a bit of stop-start to adjust it, am already finding it most useful in my 20-mile round trip commute in London. Yours sincerely, David "